Project Management
at the speed of AI.

Rilo is an always-on employee that uses your tools and process to bring plans to life.

No training required.

Rilo works with your tools on day one, and learns new skills on-the-fly. No coding or configuration needed.
Chat with Rilo through Slack—just like with any other team member.
Rilo keeps everybody on the same page with freshly updated Confluence documentation.
From tickets to reports, Rilo can perform virtually any action the Jira API supports.

A step-change in capability.

Rilo unlocks business

Rilo learns and improves, enabling projects that weren’t economically feasible—until now.

Rilo delivers the full job

Rilo fully automates operations so your team can focus on mission-critical work.

Two-click setup, and effortless UX.

Get Started Now

Your work, your way.

No need to learn a new app, or even open a new tab—Rilo works just like your team does. Say goodbye to the chatbot copy/paste loop, and hello to automated teamwork.

Rilo never stops learning.

Rilo uses past experiences to enhance current efficiencies. It remembers your team’s feedback and adapts to create future plans—continuously improving as it works.


Rilo's not a copilot. It's a coworker.

Rilo tracks conversational threading, learns from interactions, and amplifies your team. The more people Rilo works with, the better it gets.

Enterprise grade.

Rilo brings supercharged productivity to the modern enterprise, with privacy, data-security, and 99% uptime.

Rilo integrates via OAuth flow, automatically leverages approved APIs, and auto-implements tools to deliver the full job—at scale.

All the answers.

Do I need to be technical to use Rilo?

Not at all. Rilo is plug and play, and uses your tools and process just like you do. Chat to assign a task, and Rilo does all the work.

How do I onboard Rilo?

Just grant Rilo access to your Slack workspace. Rilo will ask you through Slack for access to tools as needed. No code or configuration required.

Do I need more than one Rilo?

Nope. One Rilo instance can run in parallel, providing multiple full-role employees.

How much does Rilo cost?

Using Rilo in based on usage after a free trial.

How do I get instant support?

Email and we’ll get right back to you—if not instantly, within 24 hours.

Can you help train my team to use Rilo?

With no technical setup, using Rilo is as simple as chatting with a coworker. If you want custom features for your workflow, we provide user-friendly documentation and bespoke support.

Can Rilo fill any roles in addition to Software Developer?

Rilo is a generalized agentic AI built for knowledge work, and can perform a wide variety of roles. If you’re interested in building out a custom Rilo instance, please email us at